
도로에서 어린이 보호구간에서 속도위반했을때 영어회화

English Phrases for Speeding Violation in School Zones


When driving on the road, it is important to follow the traffic rules and regulations. One of the most important rules is to drive at a safe speed, especially in school zones where children may be present. If you have been caught speeding in a school zone, it is important to know the appropriate English phrases to use in this situation.


I'm sorry for speeding in the school zone. (학교 구역에서 속도위반을 해서 죄송합니다.)
Please accept my apologies for breaking the speed limit in the school zone. (학교 구역에서 제한 속도를 초과해서 죄송합니다.)


I was not aware that I was in a school zone. (학교 구역임을 몰랐습니다.)
I did not see the school zone sign. (학교 구역 표지판을 못봤습니다.)
I was in a rush and did not pay attention to my speed. (서둘러서 속도를 체크하지 못했습니다.)

Promising to Follow the Rules

I promise to be more careful and to drive at a safe speed in the future. (앞으로 더 주의하고 안전한 속도로 운전할 것을 약속합니다.)
I will make sure to pay more attention to the speed limit signs. (속도 제한 표지판에 더 주의할 것입니다.)
I understand the importance of driving safely in school zones and will make sure to follow the rules in the future. (학교 구역에서 안전운전을 하는 것의 중요성을 이해하고 앞으로 규칙을 준수할 것입니다.)
Remember to always drive safely, especially in school zones where children's safety is a top priority.