

Data Structures


Type Classes


fp-ts Module Classification

Data Structures

Array: The Array module provides functionality for working with arrays in a functional way.
Either: The Either module provides a way to handle errors and recover from them in a functional way.
Option: The Option module provides a way to handle optional values in a functional way.
These: The These module provides a way to handle values that are either an A, a B or both in a functional way.
Tuple: The Tuple module provides a way to work with tuples in a functional way.


Function: The Function module provides utility functions for dealing with functions in a functional way.

Type Classes

Applicative: The Applicative module provides a way to apply functions that are wrapped in a context.
Apply: The Apply module provides a way to apply functions that are wrapped in a context.
Bifunctor: The Bifunctor module provides a way to map over both arguments of a bifunctor.
Chain: The Chain module provides a way to chain functions that return a wrapped value.
Contravariant: The Contravariant module provides a way to map over the input of a function.
Extend: The Extend module provides a way to extend a context with a function.
Foldable: The Foldable module provides a way to fold over a data structure.
Functor: The Functor module provides a way to map over a wrapped value.
Monad: The Monad module provides a way to chain functions that return a wrapped value.
Monoid: The Monoid module provides a way to combine values of the same type.
Ord: The Ord module provides a way to compare values of the same type.
Semigroup: The Semigroup module provides a way to combine values of the same type.
Traversable: The Traversable module provides a way to traverse a data structure while accumulating an Applicative effect.


Apply: The Apply module provides a way to apply functions that are wrapped in a context.
Array: The Array module provides utility functions for working with arrays in a functional way.
Boolean: The Boolean module provides utility functions for working with booleans in a functional way.
Date: The Date module provides utility functions for working with dates in a functional way.
Function: The Function module provides utility functions for dealing with functions in a functional way.
HKT: The HKT module provides utility functions for working with Higher Kinded Types.
Identity: The Identity module provides a way to wrap a value in an identity functor.
Record: The Record module provides utility functions for working with records in a functional way.
Semigroup: The Semigroup module provides utility functions for working with semigroups in a functional way.
Set: The Set module provides utility functions for working with sets in a functional way.
Show: The Show module provides a way to convert a value to a string.
String: The String module provides utility functions for working with strings in a functional way.
Tuple: The Tuple module provides utility functions for working with tuples in a functional way.