How to Discuss Your Schedule in English
When you need to discuss your schedule in English, there are a few key phrases and expressions that can be helpful. Here are some examples:
"What's your schedule like today/tomorrow/this week?" (당신의 일정은 오늘/내일/이번 주에 어떻게 되나요?)
"I'm pretty busy today/tomorrow/this week." (오늘/내일/이번 주에는 꽤 바쁩니다.)
"I have a meeting/appointment at [time]." (제가 [시간]에 회의/약속이 있습니다.)
"Can we reschedule for another time?" (다른 시간으로 일정을 잡을 수 있나요?)
"I'm available in the afternoon/evening/on [day]." (저는 오후/저녁/[요일]에 가능합니다.)
"Let me check my calendar/schedule." (제 캘린더/일정을 확인해보겠습니다.)
Remember to also be courteous and respectful when discussing schedules with others. Good luck with your English practice!