
비행기안에서 세관 신고서 작성 방법 영어회화

How to fill out a customs declaration form on a plane

Flight Information Section

Could you please tell me your flight number? (항공편 번호를 알려주시겠어요?)
What is your final destination? (최종 도착지는 어디인가요?)
How long will you be staying there? (거기에 얼마나 머무를 예정이신가요?)

Customs Declaration Section

Do you have anything to declare? (신고할 물건이 있나요?)
I have some items to declare. (신고할 물건이 있어요.)
I don't have anything to declare. (신고할 물건이 없어요.)
Are you bringing in any food or agricultural products? (식품이나 농업 제품을 가져오시나요?)
I am bringing in some food. (식품을 가져오고 있어요.)
I am not bringing in any food or agricultural products. (식품이나 농업 제품은 가져오지 않았어요.)

Signature Section

Could you please sign and date the form? (양식에 서명하시고 날짜를 적어주세요.)
Here is your copy of the form. (여기 양식의 사본입니다.)
Thank you for your cooperation. (협조해주셔서 감사합니다.)