
버스를 탈때 요금이 얼마인지 후불인지 선불인지 알아보는 영어회화

English Conversation for Checking Bus Fare Payment Method


In this conversation, you can learn how to ask for the bus fare and the payment method in English.

Asking for bus fare

Excuse me, how much is the bus fare? (실례합니다, 버스요금이 얼마인가요?)
How much do I need to pay for the bus? (버스를 타려면 얼마를 내야 하나요?)

Payment method

Is it cash only or can I use a transportation card? (현금만 가능한가요, 교통카드도 사용할 수 있나요?)
Can I pay with a credit card? (신용카드로 지불할 수 있나요?)
Do I need to pay before boarding or can I pay after getting off? (선불인가요, 후불인가요?)
Remember to say "thank you" after getting the information you need.
Thank you for your help. (도와주셔서 감사합니다.)