택시에서 내릴 때 사용하는 영어 회화
택시를 탈 때
문장 1
Passenger: Hi, can you take me to {Destination}? ({안내할 목적지}로 가 주실 수 있나요?)
문장 2
Driver: Sure, hop in. ({물러서세요.})
When you first get into a taxi, it's polite to greet the driver and state your destination. The driver will then confirm if they can take you to your destination. If the driver can't take you to your destination, they may recommend another driver who can help you.
목적지 도착 시
문장 3
Driver: We're here, that will be {Fare amount}. ({여기 도착했습니다. 요금은 {요금}입니다.})
문장 4
Passenger: Here's {Payment amount}. Keep the change. ({여기 {지불금액}이에요. 거스름돈은 괜찮아요.})
When you reach your destination, the driver will let you know that you have arrived and tell you the fare amount. You can give the driver the payment and tell them to keep the change if you don't need it. If you're unsure about the fare amount, you can ask the driver to show you the meter.
요청 사항
문장 5
Passenger: Can you please turn up/down the AC? ({에어컨을 조금 높여 주시겠어요?})
문장 6
Driver: Sorry, I don't speak {Passenger's language}. ({죄송해요, {승객의 언어}를 못해요.})
If you're feeling too hot or too cold, you can ask the driver to adjust the air conditioning. If you're a non-native English speaker, it's always good to have some basic English phrases ready in case the driver doesn't speak your language. You can also use gestures or show the driver the address of your destination on your phone.
길을 몰라서
문장 7
Driver: I'm sorry, I'm not familiar with this area. ({죄송해요, 이 지역은 잘 몰라서요.})
문장 8
Passenger: Can you use GPS to find the way? ({GPS를 이용해서 길을 찾으실 수 있나요?})
If the driver is unfamiliar with the area, they may not know the best route to take. It's okay to suggest using a GPS device to help them find the way. If you have a map or directions to your destination, you can also offer them to the driver.
여행 중 인사
문장 9
Passenger: How's your day been so far? ({오늘 하루는 어떠셨나요?})
문장 10
Driver: It's been good, thanks for asking. ({좋았어요. 물어봐 주셔서 감사해요.})
During your taxi ride, it's nice to exchange pleasantries with the driver. You can ask them how their day has been or comment on the weather. It's a great way to make a connection with the person who is driving you.
문장 11
Passenger: Thank you, have a good day. ({감사합니다. 좋은 하루 되세요.})
문장 12
Driver: Thank you, have a nice day. ({감사합니다. 좋은 하루 되세요.})
When you're ready to leave the taxi, remember to say goodbye and thank the driver for their service. It's a small gesture that goes a long way in showing your appreciation. You can also leave a review or tip if you think the service was exceptional.
주요 영단어
Destination: 목적지
Fare: 요금
Payment: 지불
AC: 에어컨
GPS: 지도
Check out: 하차
추가 팁
If you're in a rush, it's always good to check the traffic conditions beforehand.
It's a good idea to have cash on hand to pay for the fare.
If you have any concerns during your taxi ride, don't hesitate to speak up and let the driver know.
Remember to always wear your seatbelt for safety.