도로에서 음주측정을 실시할때 영어회화
음주측정 요청 (Requesting for sobriety test)
(술을 마셨는지) Have you been drinking?
(음주운전 관련 검사를 실시하겠다는 것을 알리기 위해) We need to conduct a sobriety test.
(술 측정기를 이용하여) We'll be using a breathalyzer to test your blood alcohol level.
술 측정기 사용 (Using the breathalyzer)
(숨을 깊게 들이마시고) Take a deep breath.
(숨을 내쉬기 전까지) Keep blowing until I tell you to stop.
(술 측정기의 결과를 알려주기 위해) Your blood alcohol level is {insert level}.
결과 안내 (Informing the results)
(술 측정기의 결과가) Your blood alcohol level is over the legal limit of {insert limit}.
(음주운전을 하지 않았다면) If you haven't been drinking and still received a positive result, there might be something wrong with the machine.
(음주운전을 한 것이 확인되면) I'm afraid I'll have to ask you to step out of the car and perform a field sobriety test.